
Important Notice: Network issues

Latest update as of Monday 23 August: All issues have now been resolved and APAS is working as normal.

Midland Eye is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our administration system. This is resulting in delays to booking new or follow-up appointments for patients, or changing the date or time of existing appointments.

Our technicians are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and we will update you as soon as we have any further news.

Patient who already have appointments:
Patients who have an upcoming appointment should arrive at the appointment time scheduled and report to the reception desk as normal.

Patients wishing to make an appointment (or follow-up):
Patients who wish to book an appointment or follow-up are advised to email and we will add your details to our list of requested appointments. Once the system is up and running again we will contact you to confirm your appointment booking.

Please be assured that we are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Page last reviewed: 23 August 2021

Date: 20/08/2021