Clear Lens Exchange Surgery

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Hear what Mr Day has to say about his treatment at Midland Eye.

What is Clear Lens Exchange Surgery?

Listen to Professor Sunil Shah explain clear lens exchange surgery. 

Clear lens exchange is a surgical procedure designed to reduce or eliminate the need for distance glasses or contact lenses and it can be used to treat a wide range of far-sightedness and near-sightedness.

Clear lens extraction has been performed extensively in Europe over the past 20 years with excellent results in correcting moderate to high far-sightedness and near-sightedness with or without astigmatism.

The Surgery

The incision is completely filled intra-operatively by the phaco probe enabling exquisite control of the operation by the surgeon. Never before has the outcome of cataract surgery depended so much on the surgeon’s skill rather than by chance. The small incision does not generally need stitches and heals rapidly with good vision expected after a day or two (but improving over a couple of weeks).

Phacoemulsification or Phaco is the modern method for removing lenses utilising high energy ultrasound. Using this technology a cataract which measures 12mm in diameter and 4mm in thickness can be vacuumed through an incision which measures only 3mm or less!

Basically, phaco uses a hollow needle which, when activated by the surgeon, vibrates at 40,000 times per second thereby emulsifying the lens. Emulsified lens material is aspirated through the hollow centre in the phaco needle and fluid is simultaneously infused into the eye in order to keep it “inflated” during surgery.

With the FemtoSecond laser system, our surgeons can remove your lens in a more advanced way, using a laser. Using the FemtoSecond laser system ensures that your advanced, customised cataract or clear lens extraction procedure can be performed with laser precision. This is because of Augmented Reality, a unique imaging system that provides an advanced, 3-D view your eye to help plan and treat your cataract or lens exchange.

With this advanced technology, your surgeon can offer you a better, more precise removal procedure that is customised to your eye’s own unique anatomy.

An intraocular lens or implant is routinely implanted following removal of the natural lens. The surgery takes about 30 minutes.

Finally, phacoemulsification lends itself to other ways of improving outcome such as measures to reduce pre-existing astigmatism and to reduce the dependence on reading glasses by the use of multifocal or accommodating implants.

Choice of Implant

  • Provide Excellent Vision at a Single Distance
  • Proven and Predictable Results
  • Glasses Free >50%* of the time
  • Better Vision in Low Light
  • Provide Excellent Vision at a Single Distance
  • Safe and Effective Correction for Mild or Moderate
  • Astigmatism during Cataract Surgery.
  • Customisable to Individual Patient Needs
  • See Clearly Distance & Intermediate
  • Better Contrast Sensitivity and Less Glare & Halos
  • Ideal for Patients with Dry Eyes
  • Glasses Free >75%* of the time
  • Focus of both Distance and Near Vision
  • Glasses Free >90%* of the time
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Enhanced Convenience

* Typical Results 


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Common questions

Here are some frequently asked questions from Clear Lens Exchange patients just like you.

Unlike other refractive procedures that change the shape of the cornea, clear lens extraction corrects vision by removing the crystalline lens in the eye and replacing it with a new artificial lens of a different focusing power. This is much like what happens in cataract surgery.

State-of-the-art instruments are used to measure your eye for the correct lens power, taking your lifestyle and activities into consideration. These custom measurements are entered into sophisticated formulae to calculate your personal implant power.

Cataract surgery has been successfully performed for years and has been one of the major advancements in the restoration of sight in the last decade. The clear lens extraction procedure resembles cataract surgery. However, in cataract surgery the removed lens is cloudy whereas in clear lens extraction the removed lens is clear.

Clear lens extraction has been performed extensively in Europe over the past 20 years with excellent results in correcting moderate to high far-sightedness and near-sightedness with or without astigmatism.

Cataract surgery and clear lens extraction are essentially the same operation which involves both the cornea and lens and is the commonest operation done in the UK. With more than 300,000 a year being performed.